Thursday, October 1, 2015

31 Days of Walking 2015- An Introduction

If you went to the doctor and he said he was going to write you a prescription that would "combat ageing and premature death, prevent obesity and diabetes, lower the risk of some cancers, relieve depression and anxiety, increase mobility and reduce the risk of hip fractures by 40%" * would you take it?

Unfortunately most prescription drugs can only work on the symptoms and not actually cure the issue or illness. That's where walking comes in. Often taunted as a 'magic pill' walking just 30 minutes a day can help with these things and more.

My husband, John, and I have been serious walkers for the past several years. It started when we challenged one another to walk 500 miles together in a year. We wanted an activity that would offer some exercise that we could do together. Walking seemed to fit the bill and with a little effort we could work it into our busy schedule.

So we started walking together. After dinner most nights and on weekends. Vacations began to focus on places that were walkable and we never, ever park in the closest parking space at the mall!

In keeping with the theme of my blog I'll be writing on favorite places to walk, places we've traveled and where and what we eat along the way. Also a few posts with walking tips like keeping safe while walking and fun things to do. Each Sunday in October I'll share my thoughts on walking with God.

Walking hand and hand with my favorite guy!

I hope you'll pop in during the month and check out some of the posts. Walking is a great way to get some exercise and have fun. Almost anyone can walk so...

Lace up your sneakers and walk in October!

*Walking 30 Minutes a Day is Like a Magic Pill - The Lake Foundation (this article is no longer available)

         See all the posts in this series at 31 Days in October 2015

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome idea for a series of posts - can't wait to read the rest, Patti!


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